California, United States
California (and particularly the Monterey region south of San Francisco) is an ideal location for the development of macroalgae. Located at the crossroads of two major marine currents - a cold current rising from the ocean floor (the upwelling phenomenon) and flowing southwards along the California coast, and a warm surface current flowing northwards - California waters are extremely rich in nutrients.
They support the development of very large macro-algae, such as Nereocytis luetkeana and Macrocystis pyrifera, which can grow up to 40 meters in height, helping to create rich and varied underwater habitats.
Analipus japonicus
Botryocladia pseudodichotoma
Ulva intestinalis
Stephanocystis osmundacea
Postelsia palmaeformis
Prionitis lyallii
Prionitis sternbergii
Stephanocystis osmundacea
Porphyra perforata
Palmaria hecatensis
Mazzaella splendens
Mazzaella flaccida
Mazzaella affinis
Mastocarpus papillatus
Mastocarpus jardinii
Mastocarpus jardinii
Osmundea spectabilis
Macrocystis pyrifera
Laminaria setchellii
Codium fragile
Egregia menziesii
Erythrophyllum delesserioides
Fucus distichus
Grateloupia turuturu